Configuration Variables
These are the variables provided to configure the RichEdit script. None of them need to be tweaked for most wikis, but they're useful if you end up moving files around or customizing the scripts.
- $RichEdit_WikiDir : Path to the wiki, minus the actual script.
- $RichEdit_ContentCSS : Stylesheet to use for the contents of the editor window.
- $RichEdit_RelativeScriptUrl : Relative URL to the editor script.
- $RichEdit_PerlDirectory : Directory in which Perl scripts are to be found and run. This should be a path, NOT a url, and the directory should contain the Perl scripts included with this recipe, as well as WikiConverter.php.
- $RichEdit_HeaderInsertFunction : The function to be called when adding information to the HTML header. By default, this is used to insert the necessary TinyMCE Javascripts into the finished page.
- $RichEdit_Editor_TinyMCE_ScriptUrl : Path to TinyMCE core script.
- $RichEdit_Editor_TinyMCE_ConfigScriptUrl : Path to local script used to configure TinyMCE.
- $RichEdit_Editor_TinyMCE_LinkListURL : Path to script that lists links for use by the Link button in the editor. By default, this points to the PmWiki script with the ?action=tinymcelinks.js argument.
Última modificación de la página el 2005-09
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